I have been having issues with mice getting into my Pro 780 to feed on any little bits of grease/scraps that didn't get cleaned out. At first it was evident they were getting in through the grease drain so I removed the bucket after each cook. They were still getting in. Then I noticed they had eaten through the silicone probe grommet so I stuffed some aluminum foil in the hole. They were still getting in. They must be climbing up the inside of the weather cover to get to these locations. I ended up making a wood plug for the grease drain that goes in after each cook now. I also removed the silicone probe grommet and installed a steel door that swings out of the way to insert the probe. It is fairly tight but can be moved by hand, mice cannot open it. See attached pictures for reference. All-in-all I spent maybe an hour making both and so far so good, no more mice.