Long Cook Times - Ironwood 885


New member
Jul 1, 2019
Reaction score
Ironwood 885
I purchased a Wagyu Gold grade brisket from Snake River Farms for the 4th of July and it is an absolute monster. It arrived and I was shocked, 23lbs of marbled mass. I've cooked 12-16lb briskets in the past, but nothing even remotely close to this beast. My question is this: Is it safe to run a Traeger for upwards of 30 hours? I am figuring 1.5 hours per lb. Any advice is welcomed.


I"ve never cooked Wagyu and am jealous of you. :) . Having said that, I would think 1.5 hours per pound would be way off. It is not a tough cut of meat like a brisket. Just the opposite, right? You could slice it in 2" thick steaks and cook them quickly. Couldn't do that with a brisket. If you're going to cook that giant beast whole, probably best to research recipes online so you don't ruin that expensive purchase.
I"ve never cooked Wagyu and am jealous of you. :) . Having said that, I would think 1.5 hours per pound would be way off. It is not a tough cut of meat like a brisket. Just the opposite, right? You could slice it in 2" thick steaks and cook them quickly. Couldn't do that with a brisket. If you're going to cook that giant beast whole, probably best to research recipes online so you don't ruin that expensive purchase.

I'm excited to cook it. I do have a recipe that I've developed myself that works extremely well for that Central Texas flavor. I've cooked a dozen or so USDA Prime briskets from Creekstone Farms, but this is my first Wagyu, and my very first MONSTER(23lbs omg). Just concerned about the long cook time really.
how much does a Wagyu brisket cost over there? Got any pictures of it raw and out of the vac pack?
how much does a Wagyu brisket cost over there? Got any pictures of it raw and out of the vac pack?

I got mine for $268 after taxes. It is a MONSTER though, I can't stress that enough. I'll post a picture tonight before I trim it.
how much does a Wagyu brisket cost over there? Got any pictures of it raw and out of the vac pack?