Is it possible to add the pellet level device to a Century 885?


Active member
Dec 4, 2020
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Phoenix area of Arizona
Century 885 w/ front shelf & pellet level
I looked at other Traeger models at Ace Hardware the other day and saw the two screws and rubber grommet that would allow for a pellet level device to be attached. I went home and looked inside the pellet box on my CostCo Century 885 and saw the same two screws and rubber grommet. I looked at the D2 menu and saw an entry for a pellet level device. Traeger support said a pellet level device would not work despite what I had seen. Today I unscrewed the D2 control head and looked at the circuit board. There were no unused pins on the board. So unless there is a jumper device that would share a set of pins, no luck. I did see on one corner of the board an area where a pellet level pin set might be located on other models.
Pull off the grommet and see if the connector is behind it
The wire would already be connected to the controller so you wouldn't see any open pins
Thanks for the suggestion. I went out and looked and there is a wire with plug pushed into the back of that rubber grommet. I will now order the pellet level from Amazon again.
I was surprised to see pellet sensor kits on the shelf at my local ACE Hardware.
Our local Lowes has them on the shelf up here in the Great White North as well. Which is surprising, because last year there was basically no inventory on any Traeger accessories. This year, so far, they are fully stocked with all sorts of accessories in stock
I saw a Traeger pellet level device at the closest Ace Hardware as well. Our local Ace (over 11 miles each way) is sometimes priced at full list.than the Amazon price which in this case I think is list is over $21 lower.

As a Prime member, Amazon will deliver the pellet level device to my door tomorrow at no additional charge.
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The pellet level sensor just arrived. It was less than a 10 minute job to remove the safety grate, pull out the rubber grommet, remove the two screws, plug the male and female plugs together and fasten the pellet level device to the side wall with the two screws. I then reinstalled the safety grate. After powering on, the menu takes you through a few steps to calibrate the device. Note that the first test needs an empty of pellets hopper.

I then checked the iPhone Treager App and the pellet level device is aware.
The pellet level sensor just arrived. It was less than a 10 minute job to remove the safety grate, pull out the rubber grommet, remove the two screws, plug the male and female plugs together and fasten the pellet level device to the side wall with the two screws. I then reinstalled the safety grate. After powering on, the menu takes you through a few steps to calibrate the device. Note that the first test needs an empty of pellets hopper.

I then checked the iPhone Treager App and the pellet level device is aware.
Keep that safety gate loose if you can. Or just leave it off if you don’t have any safety concerns. You’ll have to level out the pellets every now and then to maintain an accurate reading.
Thanks for the suggestion to leave the screws loose on the safety grid to make it easier to level the pellets.
I pulled the pelett grid then put the screws back in tight (so they won't drop into the auger) then put the pelett grid back in, to keep kids finger out...
I also added a pellet sensor (and the Pro 34 front shelf — WORTH IT) to my Century. For now I just pulled the guard, but I’m going to tin-snip the guard to play nicer with the pellet sensor.
At my age, I am more aware of looking at things considering the next user. So disposing of the pellet grid works for me but perhaps not the next owner, One could backout the grid screws and put some blue loktite on them so they support the grid but allow relatively easy removal.

I doubt the auger would be pleased to have screws in the pellet mix......