Ironwood 885 won't get to temp and maintain

Dave Shady

New member
Apr 22, 2019
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Trager guy over 6 years. Replaced my pro 22 with Ironwood 885. Did burn off did good.

Used 2x both times preheats to temp. Put food on and it struggles to get back up. Fan shuta off and on every 30-45 seconds.. right now set at 375 and 15 min after meats on wont get past 350 and cycles off n on.

Is off n on NORMAL?


No wind 72 degrees out.

FRUSTRATED a bit was used to my amazing
Pro 22!
Just beeped says low temp detected.. now runnin louder than ever and climbing.
And back down to 337 and dropping

And shut off again... 10 seconds and back on

This is nuts
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I smoked some jerky yesterday and experienced the same issues. First I had the temp set at 180 and it climbed to 195, so I dropped it to 165 and that’s when the fan started turning off and on, temps dipped to 138, it re-fired, rinse/repeat.
Check your orange jack plugged into the computer. Mine still running 25 under wont get to temp. Sending new computer.

I understand 10 degree swings but not 25 plus constant under. They were able to look at all of my data and what my grill .had been doing.
Check your orange jack plugged into the computer. Mine still running 25 under wont get to temp. Sending new computer.

I understand 10 degree swings but not 25 plus constant under. They were able to look at all of my data and what my grill .had been doing.
Check your orange jack plugged into the computer. Mine still running 25 under wont get to temp. Sending new computer.

I understand 10 degree swings but not 25 plus constant under. They were able to look at all of my data and what my grill .had been doing.
Please let us know if the new computer fixes the issue? Having similar issues. Thanks.
got new computer 2 weeks ago finally. Swapped out and doing fine since then. So i gotta assume that mine was just not a good unit. They went thru alot of phone time to get to the point of my cooks weren't going normal at all. BUT we finally got the part.
got new computer 2 weeks ago finally. Swapped out and doing fine since then. So i gotta assume that mine was just not a good unit. They went thru alot of phone time to get to the point of my cooks weren't going normal at all. BUT we finally got the part.
Having same issues, contacted support, hopefully will be able to get new computer to fix the issue. Below is what I'm experiencing.

When I set the grill to 225 it will stop around 200 but if I set the grill to 230 it will go up to around 250? The other issue is after the grill has been on for about 30 minutes the fan starts cycling on and off and the temperature drops by 30 degrees or more. I have tried several cooks so far and the behavior mentioned above is consistent.
Timberline 1300 D2 controller, “low temp detected”, the temp was set to 425 and it never got above 335... total time was around 1hr for the cook, 30 min @ 220 w/ SS... Then ramp to 425 supposedly but low temp detected... Then I shut down as it was not coming back up....

Timberline 1300 D2 controller, “low temp detected”, the temp was set to 425 and it never got above 335... total time was around 1hr for the cook, 30 min @ 220 w/ SS... Then ramp to 425 supposedly but low temp detected... Then I shut down as it was not coming back up....

All I can think of is pellet quality, dry and a hotter burning wood type like hickory, oak etc.

Then controller stability, latest firmware (It really improved mine).

Bad thermocouple, so the controller is reacting to bad data.

If it has good wood, then it's just feed rate and air supply. If the controller is wonky, the fire will be unstable.

These are relatively simple, so only a few choices to swap out.

Knoc wood, mine is super stable so I know they can work really well. I can set any temp up to 500F and press ignite, the grill will just go there with almost zero overshoot.
I was using a fresh bag of Traeger Hickory pelletts, the T1300 was mfg in 4/20. Has current FW and config file. It was vacuumed out just before the cook.
I am going to do a reverse auger and further vacume in case there is saw dust in the auger, then do a burger cook this afternoon to see if I need to call CS...