meaning check to see if its plugged into the controller. I took out the 4 screws and the plug has 2 VERY long tabs that plug into the board mine was tilted at an angle but not out. weather or not that will make a difference TBA. Gona try again tonight.
Last night after checking the wire i put it back in and when you put the control back in you need to tilt it a bit the push top in or that orange jack dislodges again.
Set at 185 and ignite (new apple wood) hit 166 and stayed there fan did not come on and off on and off like before.
stepped up to 210 and it made it to 190-194 hit SUPER SMOKE went up to 225 and 230. shut off SS
stepped up to 500 at 8:03pm
490 @9min
481 @ 12min
482@ 13min
stabilized 482-486 @ 15min past turning it up.
WHEN in super smoke noted that the fan did pulse again once it reached 225