Cooking two pork shoulders (what to expect)


New member
Feb 25, 2020
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San Jose, California
Pro Series 22
I've smoked pork shoulders for pulled pork plenty of times on my Pro22 with great results. But for the first time tomorrow, I'll be smoking two at the same time. They're approximately 5 pounds each.

Normally, the evening before, I trim and inject the shoulder. Then I get up around 5am the following morning, fire up the Treager, take the pork out of the refrigerator, pat it down, season it then put it on the grill. It's usually done in 12 hours or so.

Should I expect any different doing two? Originally I had the entire day to cook these because they're for a meal the next day and was going to start a little later in the morning . But now, I have to at least be past my wrapping stage of 165 degrees and the Treager shut down by 6:00 in the evening. I can always finish it off in the oven since no smoke can penetrate the foil anyway.

One thing I may do differently this time, is pull the shoulders from the refrigerator a few hours earlier to get closer to ambient temperature. My son is usually up pretty late, I may have him take them out around 1 or 2am.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Words of wisdom?

Thank you.......
Only recommendation I have is to check on them one at a time, or take them out to wrap one at a time. That way you don't have to leave the lid open for so long all at once. Or just do it twice as fast as you normally would. As long as your temp holds, you'll be good to go if you follow the same steps you do when you cook one.
I just did two pork butts last week—each about 7.5 lbs. They cooked in about the same amount of time as if I only were cooking one.

And like @morph860 said, work on them one at a time to minimize the amount of time the lid is open.
That is one thing I was they would have put in the programming. Have you be able to remotely start so its ready when you get home and change settings with a timer setting. That way all night cooks be able to go to keep warm at a certain time and such.