ashes inside the grill


New member
Dec 19, 2020
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hello.... first post here

so I've noticed that when using my traeger that it seems to blow ashes around inside the grilll.
you can see them on the grate and the walls on the inside.

is that common problem. ?
I have cleaned it twice since I got it this fall.
going to clean it again today since the hopper and auger are empty

I vacuum out my Traeger before every overnight cook and normally every 3rd use. I use a Home Depot Bucket Head on a bucket and it works great.
Ash build up is the culprit, the number of cooks between cleans is not as important as the total number of cooking hrs between cleans.

example: I will clean after 3 sets of ribs 3x4-5 hrs= 15-20hrs or 1 overnight Brisket cook 15-18 hrs. Both of which equates to about 3/4 to 1 hopper of pellets, If i push it longer than this then I see the ash on the grate.
The fire pot has pellets and air pumped into it to feed and maintain a fire, the ash has nowhere to go except to blow out of the pot and into the bottom of the grill. Since the grill circulates the air inside to get that smokey flavor everywhere, it's normal for the lighter ash to blow around and settle everywhere as well.

I vacuum mine frequently, this ash is very alkaline and corrosive to metals, especially aluminum drip liners. I clean after 3-4 short cooks and always after an overnight cook.

As long as you don't have half burned pellets laying around then it's NORMAL to have ash everywhere

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