Add a "Smokin-It" Cold Smoke Generator to Timberline 850


⚒️ Moderator
Staff member
Jun 10, 2019
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Corona Del Mar, California
Timberline 850
I thought I'd consolidate all my information on this mod to my Timberline 850. This can be adapted to most any model grill.

Cold Smoke generators were new to me, a small external firepot that just makes smoke which is fed into a larger cold box. This is used to smoke cheese, fish, salt and spices etc. Others here added these units to to their grills to increase smoke even when cooking at higher temperatures, to be closer to a stick burner and they seem to be happy with the results.
I want it for cold smoked Salmon! Something I'll be doing as soon as it gets cooler outside.

I chose this unit because I like the compact design, simple to maintain, 10hr smoke time, coldest smoke, uses pellets that I already have (or wood chips if you like), easy to maintain, plus I wanted the stock grill cover to still fit.

Here is a good comparison of this unit vs the "Smoke Daddy Big Kahuna" generator. Both are good units and the video shows operation well.

The Timberline 850 doesn't have a ton of mounting spots, the left side was the best choice. I wanted to keep the stock shelf so I located the generator towards the back to keep the shelf more open and to make it easier to light from the back side. Since I'm not a big metal worker, and since I now have a great sheet metal shop near me, I marked the shelf where the generator top would be and had the shop cut out the square piece from the shelf.

I made a paper template of the generator and mapped the mounting spot for outside access as well as a good place for the smoke tube location inside the grill.
Link to the 3/4" metal hole saw I used to go thru the grill's outside and inside walls;

I also decided to add a thin ceramic wool gasket between the generator and the grill wall to reduce heat transfer and help seal it better from smoke leakage. I wrapped the gasket in heavy foil to contain the fibers and protect the material and my hands when handling it.
Link to the 1/8" gasket material;

Once I got the unit installed, I found that when the generator is not used, the grill tends to blow smoke and ash backwards into the unit since pellet grills are basically pressurized by their fans. I tried to cover the smoke tube but smoke still got in. In the end decided to make a solid plug for the hole. Now, when not using the Smokin-in unit, I take out its easily removeable 3/4" smoke tube and insert a solid 3/4" stainless steel rod with retainer collar. This keeps grill smoke out of the unit. I had some leftover thin 26ga stainless strip material so I made a swiveling clip to hold the plug in place better. I used an existing side wall screw that was nearby to mount it.
Link to 3/4" stainless rod piece;

Link to 3/4" stainless steel collar;

To power the generator's air pump with the same cord as the grill, I added power taps that I use for items like FireBoard, Pellet Stirring motor and this, here's the post on adding power taps;

Overall this was a very easy project and I can't wait for some cooler weather to really use it.
Link to the Smokein-It home;

Edit (12/5/2020) , after testing, this generator works fine with the grill OFF only, as it was designed. Many of us want to also be able to add smoke to the running grill, here's the link to jump ahead to the modded Bella "Turbo Quatro". This describes the issue and the mod;
(2) Add a "Smokin-It" Cold Smoke Generator to Timberline 850 | Page 4 | Traeger Owners Forum | Traeger Grill (


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Details of the stainless steel plug. The smoke tube just twist-locks into place so it's easy to remove for cleaning etc.


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You SOLD me, great tutorial but I would need a different idea for that plug...
But seeing as mine would be on the stack wall of a 575, I could always remove the Smokin it Unit and just plug the holes with bolts and nuts...

For me, I would probably feed my hanging bolts from inside and use wing nuts outside and that puppy comes right off... then I'm just left plugging that main hole maybe the same way with a bigger bolt I guess...
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You SOLD me, great tutorial but I would need a different idea for that plug...
But seeing as mine would be on the stack wall of a 575, I could always remove the Smokin it Unit and just plug the holes with bolts and nuts...
Yup, Just two screws holding it on, so it's easy to remove and plug from the outside as well.
I'll wait till I see you smoke your first salmon then my mouth is gonna water so much I'll buy everything!!!
Ha ha. Regarding removing the smoke unit on a regular basis. I'd change out the stock stainless self-tapping mounting screws for stainless 1/4 x 20 rivet nuts and stainless screws.

Link to nuts;

Link to cheap rivet nut expander tool;
NOW WE'RE GETTIN SOMEWHERE!!!! (y) (y) (y) (y) ?

update: Amazon is lovin me... THNX RemE
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RemE, will this thing even fit the side of my 575??? it says 10" is height, but what's the measurement from bolts to the tube?? I got to try to lay this out before buying it
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RemE, will this thing even fit the side of my 575??? it says 10" is height, but what's the measurement from bolts to the tube?? I got to try to lay this out before buying it
Just for you, here's the template I made. I added dimensions in case the also attached PDF scan is not to scale, not sure how to force 1:1 scanning.

Smokin-It Template Photo.JPG


AWESOME RemE!!! THANK YOU!!! it printed out perfect

tell me that's not different than what they posted??? WOW glad I didn't go by it
FYI to anyone interested, it will fit 575 and a 22 great on the front/back stack side but gotta remove the handle... which is fine by me cuz I never MOVE my rig anyway... it's there for good. Also the Smokinit will cover the handle hole so no problem there either... I might just install my handle vertical. (or use the 2nd hole for a shelf or hook)

THNX again RemE, (i already got my nuts and rivet nut tool... )